1. Turn the scale of the cylinder, until pressure of the charging cylinder equalises the scale.
2. Note the amount of gas that the charging cylinder contains.
3. Open the HIGH and REF valves and the charging cylinder valves.
4. Let the gas flow in until you have reached the desired level.
5. Close all the valves. If the amount desired has not been charges, it means that the pressures have been equal-
ised and charging should be completed through the low side, following the following instructions:
Begin with all the valves closed
1. With the motor of the vehicle switched on, put the A/C system on at full force and accelerate the car to ap-
proximately 1.500 r.p.m. so that the compressor can be activated.
2. Open the valves of the charging cylinder and the REF valve of the manifold.
3. Open the LOW valve of the manifold slowly. Now the compressor of the vehicle sucks up the gas.
4. Do this operation slowly, little by little in order to avoid sudden large amounts of liquid at a time entering in the
5. Close all the valves.
1. Connect the hoses of the station to the vehicle. All the valves should be closed.
2. Switch the vehicle on and put the A/C on to a maximum.
3. With the A/C on, the pressure on the low side should be 2 bar and on the high side 12 to 16 bar.
Different pressure indicates an abnormal situation in the system.
C/ Luís I, Nave 6-A2
Pol. Ind. Vallecas
28031 MADRID, Spain
C.I.F.: (ES) A-28 907905
: (34) 91 777 08 66
Fax: (34) 91 777 08 04
http: // www.stag.es