4. The gauge of the Charging cylinder will indicate the pressure of the gas charged. The same operation would be
applied for any refrigerant gas.
Note: If the desired amount of gas refrigerant does not enter the charging cylinder (the pressure of the bottle equal-
ises that of the charging cylinder), reduce the pressure of the charging cylinder in order to permit the transfer of
refrigerant by using the purge valve or by pulling the security valve which is situated at the top of the charging cyl-
1. With all the valves closed, open the valve of the blue hose (LOW), in the compressor (suction) and the valve of
the red hose (HIGH) in the compressor (discharge). The hose with fewer diameters corresponds to high-
pressure side, and the hose with a bigger diameter corresponds to the low-pressure side.
2. In systems for R-134 a , the hoses are connected to the system with quick couplers, in this case there can be
no confusion since one is bigger that the other.
3. Switch the pump on during 15-30 minutes approximately. Open the vacuum gauge valve.
4. The vacuum that is taking place in the system is indicated by the low pressure gauge (BLUE). Should your
station include a vacuum gauge, it would indicate the vacuum level.
5. Once you have made the desires vacuum, (25-30 min.) close the LOW & VAC valve and switch the pump off.
Leave the valve of the vacuum gauge open.
6. Vacuum can be done through an oil injector fitted between the charging station and the low side of the system
(BLUE HOSE), opening the ball valve of the injector. We ca use the oil injector afterward to add oil and additive
to the system.
Note: Before starting the vacuum process, evacuate all the gas in the system by pinching the access valves or by
loosing one of the hoses slightly (high or low) until the gauges of the station indicate pressure.
Liberate the pressure of the system slowly in order to drag as little oil as possible.
At this moment we can put in oil and additive into the system (ICEMATIC SW 68 for R-134 a)
It is recommendable to use 1 ounce (28.35 gr) of oil for each time gas is charged.
Close the injector and open its ball valve. The vacuum created in the system with suck up the oil automatically.
Charging is done with the system switched off on the high pressure side.
It is convenient to previously warm up the refrigerant to make charging easier. Should you have a heater, use it to
warm up the refrigerant (increases the pressure by 2 or 3 bar). The pressure of the charging cylinder will be indi-
cated by a gauge situated on top the charging cylinder.
C/ Luís I, Nave 6-A2
Pol. Ind. Vallecas
28031 MADRID, Spain
C.I.F.: (ES) A-28 907905
: (34) 91 777 08 66
Fax: (34) 91 777 08 04
http: // www.stag.es