Test Signal
Scope Settings
a) First calibrate the Oscilloscope to provide a rough view of the signal.
Important: for this signal type using Autoset is in effect impossible.
Result of initial calibration
The initial calibration enables an occasional sighting of a brief pulse with a variable amplitude, here or there.
Selecting the "Min-Max" Acquisition Mode from the "Horizontal" menu without changing the timebase speed will
enable the acquisition and visualisation of the signal as demonstrated in the second screen.
Due to the very brief duration of the pulses in relation to their frequency of repetition (≈ 125 µs / time
relationship ≈ 1000), the timebase chosen imposes a sampling frequency that is inadequate for correct
visualisation on the screen.
The "Min-Max" mode enables detection of the presence of "Min" and "Max" peaks between normal sampling
points, the acquisition of the amplitude of these signals and their representation on screen.
b) Secondly deactivate the "Min-Max" Acquisition mode and calibrate the timebase to 25 or 50 ns/div in order to
examine the signal in further detail and discover a group of 6 pulses.
Select "Repetitive signal" in the same Menu in order to authorise ETS sampling and show the difference
between displays with and without ETS.
For periodic signals, the ETS mode enables us to considerably increase the horizontal resolution, to exceed the
maximum "single-shot" sampling rate, so as to obtain faithful representation and precise measurements.
The example below presents pulses with a duration of <10ns with a rise time of < 4ns.
ETS 40 sampling or 100 Gs/s
28 - Chapter II
OX 6000
& MTX105x SPO
OX 6000-II
no. 9 : Comb rapid pulses
Comb of 6 very brief pulses, with a low repetition frequency
Vpp ≈ 2 V (with 50 Ohms load or not) - L+ ≈ 7 ns - F ≈ 8 kHz
50 µs/div., then 50 ns/div. - MAIN = 500 mV/div.
First deselect "Repetitive signal" (Horiz menu)
Use of the "Min-Max" acquisition mode
Interest of ETS in faithful and precise representation of signals
Impact of input impedance on the form of rapid signals
Selection of "Min-Max" acquisition mode
On Oscilloscope input 1MΩ
on MAIN, 50 % of Vpp
With 50Ω load (more faithful)
METRIX Oscilloscope Demo Kit