1. After pressing the Power button on,
the mode indicator and the time
indicator will start blinking. As shown
in diagram 4.
2. Depending on each capsules different characteristics, the
time required for mixing may vary from each other.
※ The Amalgam capsule & Filling material require an average time
of 10 seconds to gain a consistent mixture. Material
with special specifications may vary with different capsules.
※ Mixing time can be reset at any given time setting between 1 to
30 seconds. The user is able to setup two different time settings
using the memory. Regarding individual capsule time setting, please
review the instruction manual accompanied with the capsule
products for further details.
1) Please make sure the Protective glass is securely closed.
2) Press Set button to select the designated mode.
3) Press
to change the time set up mode. Press "" or " "
to add or reduce the mixing time by one second.
4) Press "SET" button to confirm the setting. The time indicator
will change from a blinking display to a fixed display.
3. Open the Protective shield, and place the capsule into the
holding arms as shown in diagram 5.
Operating STEPS