Thank you for choosing the XPROZO1.05 Ozone Generator from the XPRO Safety product line
dedicated to personal and environmental protection, cleaning and disinfection.
Disinfection with OZONE
Ozone (O ³ ) is one of the most powerful bactericides present in nature. It is up to 25 times more
effective than chlorine, acts on bacteria, fungi and moulds, modifying the permeability of the
cell wall and thus causing their death within minutes. Extremely effective against viruses to
which it damages the viral capsid and disrupts their reproductive cycle by interrupting virus-to-
cell contact thanks to peroxidation and inactivating it in a time ranging from 10 to 20 minutes of
exposure to treatment.
In its gaseous form it allows a meticulous disinfection in any environment because, being a gas,
it can reach even the most inaccessible areas, making it indispensable for a full environmental
It removes any odour, disinfects all surfaces, including furniture, penetrates into fabrics,
ventilation ducts and all those points difficult to reach by other products. Its action is fast and
100% ecological and it turns back into oxygen when it decomposes, leaving no trace or
chemical residue.
Effect of disinfection with OZONE
Health hazards
Ozone (O ³ ) is an extremely reactive gaseous molecule, capable of oxidising numerous cellular
components, including amino acids, proteins and lipids.
Continued exposure to high ozone concentrations can cause damage that is not easy to detect
and a drop in immune defences.
Pure ozone is a bluish gas with a characteristic bitter, pungent odour. It is easy to recognise
especially after a storm: the classic scent of freshly mown hay. It is an inert gas with precise
effects on humans: at a concentration of 0.008-0.02 ppm (15-40 µg/m3) its odour can already
be detected; at 0.1 ppm it causes irritation to the eyes and throat due to its action on the mucous
membranes. Higher concentrations cause irritation to the respiratory system, coughing and
a sense of oppression in the chest which makes it difficult to breathe. The most sensitive
individuals, such as asthmatics and the elderly may be subject to asthma attacks even at low
concentrations. At 1 ppm it causes headache and at 1.7 ppm it can cause pulmonary edema
(source: Emergency Live).
Istruzioni Generatore Ozono.indd 16
Istruzioni Generatore Ozono.indd 16
03/05/2020 20:04:03
03/05/2020 20:04:03