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For proper assembly, follow the diagram and locate all individual parts. (See Figure A) Item Part Name Frame Side Brace Platform Caster Lock Pin Connector Pin Lock Pin Figure A Connector Pin (F) GSSI Multi-Use Scaffolding Assembly & Operating Instructions...
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Install platform C on side braces B so that platform is fully seated within inner channel on top of side braces. STEP 4 Rotate the platform clips into the engaged position. (See Figure C) Figure C STEP 5 Install 4 casters D into legs of frames A and with Connector Pins F. GSSI Multi-Use Scaffolding Assembly & Operating Instructions...
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8. Lower scaffold components in a safe manner as they are dismantled. Avoid dropping or throwing the components as this could result in injury or damage to the equipment. 9. Use energy absorbing lanyards and full body harness when feasible GSSI Multi-Use Scaffolding Assembly & Operating Instructions...
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Never allow excessive quantities of components to be stockpiled on partially complete scaffolds. Stock only sufficient components consistent with the progress of the work. Lower dismantled components as soon as possible. Never drop components deliberately. GSSI Multi-Use Scaffolding Assembly & Operating Instructions...
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If rolling scaffolds are used outdoors, care must be taken to assure that they cannot become unstable due to wind or other conditions. R. DO NOT OVERLOAD SCAFFOLD. Refer to and do not exceed the scaffold load capacities. GSSI Multi-Use Scaffolding Assembly & Operating Instructions...
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Extends the width of the base so that units can be stacked. (Requires four 5 inch casters from first scaffold unit, and four 5 inch casters from second scaffold unit for a total of eight casters.) GSSI Multi-Use Scaffolding Assembly & Operating Instructions...
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Manual Addendum – Insert this into your Scaffold Assembly and Operating Instructions Manual 200803 Manual Addendum The maximum distributed load capacity decreases with the number of sections that are used. The total combined weight of workers, material, and equipment must not exceed the rated working load. Maximum Load Capacity Base Section - 1,000 Lbs (Workers &...
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Post these scaffolding safety guidelines in a place where it will be seen and understood by all persons who erect, dismantle or use scaffolding. Be certain all persons are aware of the correct installation of scaffold, the potential dangers, and discuss this in safety meetings. Since field conditions vary and are beyond the control of the SSFI and the SIA, safe and proper use of scaffolding is the sole responsibility of the user.
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readily fit together and the resulting scaffold’s structural integrity is maintained by the user. Planking – Working platforms shall cover scaffold bearer as completely as possible. Only scaffold grade wood planking, or fabricated planking and decking meeting scaffold use requirements shall be used. Planks and platforms should rest on bearers only. Check each plank prior to use to be sure plank is not warped, damaged, or otherwise unsafe.
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Apéndice del manual – Inserte esta hoja en el Manual de instrucciones de montaje y uso del andamio Apéndice del manual 200803 La capacidad de carga distribuida máxima se reduce con el número de secciones que se utilizan. El peso total combinado de los trabajadores, materiales y equipos no debe exceder la carga de trabajo nominal.
Coloque estas indicaciones de seguridad en un lugar en que puedan ser vistas y entendidas por todas las personas que participen en el montaje, desmontaje o uso de los andamios. Asegúrese de que todas las personas estén familiarizadas con la correcta instalación del andamio y sus posibles riesgos y hable al respecto en las reuniones sobre seguridad.
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Addenda au Manuel – Insérez le présent document au Manuel de montage et d’utilisation de votre échafaudage 200803 Addenda au Manuel La capacité de charge distribuée maximum diminue avec le nombre de sections utilisées. Le poids total combiné des travailleurs, des matériaux et des équipements, ne doit pas être supérieur à...
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Afficher ces consignes de sécurité relatives aux échafaudages dans un endroit où elles seront vues et comprises par toutes les personnes qui montent, démontent ou utilisent des échafaudages. S’assurer que toutes les personnes savent comment installer correctement un échafaudage et sont informés des dangers potentiels. Discuter de ces sujets lors des réunions sur la sécurité.
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Lorsque les échafaudages sont pleinement ou partiellement confinés, ou lorsqu’ils sont sujets à des charges de basculage, des attaches supplémentaires peuvent être nécessaires. Consulter une personne qualifiée. Ne pas monter des échafaudages près de lignes électriques. Consulter une personne qualifiée pour obtenir des conseils. On devrait avoir accès à...