8.4 Bonding of the lingual retainer
Place dental floss in the interproximal area between the lateral incisors and
the canines from lingual to buccal. Leave a loop facing lingually through
which the lingual wire can be led. Bring the shaped retainer wire into
the required position. Fix the wire in the correct position to the dental
floss loops.
Pull the ends of the dental floss tight to pull the lingual wire towards the
lingual surfaces of the lower incisors and canines. Spread CONTEC lcr
on the teeth either from a mixing pad or directly from the syringe. The
adhesive should flow over and around the wire. Apply a small drop of
CONTEC lcr to each end of the wire. Only use as much material as is
necessary. Light cure each drop 20 seconds long and remove the dental
floss. Trim and polish if necessary.
9. Warnings / Precautions
When using the light guide, follow the manufacturer's instructions
regarding handling, correct use and information on eye protection.
Should you be concerned that the incisors may rotate considerably,
the lingual retainer can be fitted before the lower brackets are
completely removed from the incisors. Otherwise, the lingual
retainer can be fitted after debonding.