Table 3 -4 (Cont.) Identifying and correcting problems
Video display has
moving dots and
distorted lines.
The display rolls
or flickers.
The printer will
not print.
Modifier keys
remain in effect
after released.
Possible Cause
Suggestion Solution
There is
Move and electromechanical device,
such as a fan or a motor, away form
the terminal or move the terminal.
CAUTION: Before moving the system, turn the
power off and wait 20 seconds to let the
static electricity dissipate.
Refresh rate is
From the Display menu item, choose
too low.
Refresh rate and select 72 Hz.
The terminal is
Set the power switch to the off position
and contact the service representative.
The printer
Turn on the power to the printer.
power is not on.
The printer
Check the cables.
cables are not
From the Communication menu item,
port is not set
choose Port select and match the
setting to the connections on the
If you have a
From the Printer menu item, choose
serial pri nter, its
Serial print speed and match the setting
speed may be
to the one in your printer manual.
set incorrectly.
Check keyboard indicator line for icon.
Accessibility aid
This feature is enabled by pressing
any key modifier key five times. To
disable, press and hold a modifier key
and then press another key.