6. If you are using a wireless access point, obtain its IP address
using the access point's setup program. Type Ping followed by
your access point's IP address. If you cannot ping the access
point, make sure all the cables are properly connected, unplug
it, plug it back in, and reboot your computer. If you still cannot
complete this ping, refer to the troubleshooting information
for your wireless access point.
7. Type Ping followed by the LAN IP address of your "Default
Gateway" to check the communication with your gateway
(wireless router).
Note: Before performing Step 8. and Step 9. collect your gate-
way's WAN information, including the gateway's WAN IP
address and the DNS server address.
8. Type Ping followed by the WAN IP address of your gateway.
This is the address that is provided either by your ISP or by the
outside LAN. This procedure will ensure that you have access
to the Internet.
9. Type Ping followed by your known DNS server address. This
will allow you to resolve valid Internet host names (such as
usr.com) to IP addresses and to verify that you can browse the