Philips Allegiant TC8500 Serie Instrucciones De Instalación Y Operación página 75

Sistemas de comutador-control microprocesador-base
Tabla de contenido
Pan/T ilt/Z oom
and Satellite
A lle g ia nt ®
C ontrol D ata
M a in C P U B a y
T C 85 68 S ig n al
D istr ib u tion U n it
T o Any Local
Pan/T ilt/Z oom
C am era Site
U p to 1.5 km (5000 F t)
U sing 1 sq m m (18 AW G )
(Belden 8760 or Equivalent)
1 Line to Each
R em ote Satellite
Sy stem Loc ation
Pan/T ilt/Z oom and
Satellite C on trol D ata
TC 8 11 2 B or
TC 8 1 24 B
S e rie s
S a te llite
D a ta L in e
TC 8 7 80
D at a C o nverte r
U n it
T o Any Local
Pan/Tilt/Z oom
C am era Sites
TC8 5 6 9 Co d e
M e rg er U n it
Local Pan /T ilt/Z oom
C ontrol D ata Line
Diagrama Conceptual del Sistema de Conmutación del Satélite Allegiant
M onitor
O utputs
Input U sed for
Both Local and
T runk Lines
T C 8550 Series C ontrols
Any Local or R em ote
C am era O n Any Loc al M onitor
(Video and Pan/T ilt/Z oom )
Video T runk Lines F rom
M onitor O utputs U sed
O ther S atellite Locations
As Video T runk Lin es
T o M ain C ontrol Site
A c ce s so ry O u t
C o nn e ct o r
TC8 1 3 5
TC 8 54 0 S e rie s A la rm
In te rfa ce U n it
Alarm Inputs M ay Activ ate
Either Local or Satellite
Video on M ain C ontrol
C enter's M onitors
Local C amera
Video Inputs
M ultiple Video C oax
M ultiple Video T runk
Lines From Each rem ote
Satellite Location
Loc al M onitors
Alarm Inputs A ctiv ate
O n ly Loc al Video on
Local M onitors
S 93 2 A 1 2 B E
Tabla de contenido

Tabla de contenido