4.7" / 120mm (diagonal) display with 1.1" time digits
Radio controlled time / date sets itself
Alarm 1 and Alarm 2
Programmable Snooze
Dimmer for nighttime viewing
Color forecast : Sunny, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rainy, Stormy
12 hour forecast based on changing air pressure
Tendency indicator of weather forecast
Indoor-outdoor temperature and humidity (RH%)
Max-Min records of temperature and humidity
Month-Date Calendar interchangeable with Air pressure readout (in hPA)
Degree C/F readout
12/24 hour time format
433Mhz wireless outdoor transmitter (one transmitter is included)
Up to 100-feet transmission of outdoor temperature and humidity
Auto scrolling of outdoor temperatures and humidity of different transmitters
Low battery indicator of outdoor transmitter
Can expand to use with two additional outdoor transmitters (not included)
Weather station powered by external AC/DC adaptor
Batteries : 3 "AAA" alkaline for backup of the main weather station (not included)
Your weather station obtains the accurate time with wireless technology. Same as all wireless
devices, the receiving ability maybe affected by, but not limited to, the following circumstances:-
Long transmitting distance
Nearby mountains and valleys
Among tall buildings
Near railway, high voltage cable etc.
Near freeway, airport, etc
Near construction site
Inside concrete buildings
Near electrical appliances
Near computers and TV's
Inside moving vehicles
Near metallic structures
2 "AAA" alkaline for outdoor transmitter (not included)
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