RCM METRO Serie Manual De Uso Y Mantenimiento página 84

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Squeegee does not dry perfectly
The detergent solution is not fl owing out evenly onto the brushes
The detergent solution does not reach the brushes or only a little is reaching them Pipelines which supply water to the brushes are fouled
The machine does not clean properly
The machine does not start
The machine does not start or it stops suddenly.
The machine does not travel forward or back.
Tacuum motor switches off or does not start.
The machine has diffi culty moving
Water leaks with machine stopped
The sweeping system does not lift and does not lower
The squeegee does not lifts and does not lowe
Squeegee rubber blades worn
Squeegee fouled
Foreign body has become jammed in the squeegee
Vacuum pipe fouled
squeegee not properly adjusted
Water drain line tap open
Vacuum motor burnt out
Suction motor brushes worn
Squeegee not lowered at start. actuator faulty
Filter inside suction motors fouled
Pipelines which supply water to the brushes are fouled.
Solution fi lter clogged
Solution outlet tap not opening
Solution fi lter clogged
Closing electromagnet seized or pipe crusched
No water in tank
Brushes too warn
Brushes applying too little pressure to the fl oor due to poor operation of
the trimmer on the dashboard
The master starter key 7 (fi g. 3) has not been turned on
Batteries fl at
Fuse blown
Caution! never use fuses of higher value; there would be a risk of damage. If the fuses blow repeatedly, the machine has a fault.
Safety microswitch under driving seat faulty
Emergency stop button pressed
Drive motor labouring so hard they have triggered the overload cutout
Batteries fl at
Diagnostics LEDs on (4Qbig) electronic control unit fl ashing
Control pedal unit connection disconnected
The "recovery tank full" fl oat switch has cut off the suction motor – indica-
ted on the display with "LEVEL"
Float switch fouled.
Parking brake engaged
Break in supply line
The actuator does not receive current
Fuse blown on the board
Motor actuator damaged
Microswitch actuator faulty
Control unit DMC06 damaged
Fuse blown
Control unit DMC06 damaged
Replace rubber blades
Clean squeegee
Remove the foreign body
Clean th epipe
Adjust the angle (fi g.10)
Close properly
Replace the motor
Replace the brushes
Replace the actuator
Clean fi lter (fi g.14)
Clean fouled pipe
Clean fi lter
Clean fouled pipe
Check the tap
Clean fi lter
Replace the electromagnet or restore or replace the pipe
Fll tank with water
Replace the brushes
Replace the trimmer
Turn the key clockwise
Check the charge, recharge if necessary
Check and replace if necessary
Replace the microwitch
Release the button and repeat the starting procedure (see instructions
for starting up the machine)
Wait about a minute and then repeat the starting procedure
Recharge the batteries
See "electronic control unit" section
Restore the contact
Switch off the motor using the switch 5 (fi g.3).
Empty the recovery tank.
Release the fl oat and remove the dirt. To do this, remove the right suction
motor for access to the fl oat switch.
Release the parking brake and repeat the starting procedure.
(see instructions for starting up the machine).
Shut off the solution dispenser completely and replace the pipe.
Tabla de contenido

Este manual también es adecuado para:

Metro 1102nMetro 1102rnMetro 1303n33.me.00333.me.00433.me.005

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