USInG the lInear SIde-ImpaCt proteCtIon (l.S.p.)
the "linear side-impact protection" (l.s.p.) is
built into the gB idan. this system enhances
the safety of your child in the event of a side
crash. in order to achieve the best possible
protective effect, unfold the l.s.p. as far as
possible towards the car door closest to the
infant car seat.
alWaYs Use the l.s.p. device when the
infant carrier is installed in an outer seating
position, either with or without the Base.
alWaYs Use an l.s.p. device on the side of
the child restraint immediately adjacent to a
vehicle door or panel.
neveR use the l.s.p. devices when the infant
seat is placed in the rear middle seating
neveR extend an l.s.p. device toward a
passenger or another child restraint.
neveR lift or carry the child restraint using
the l.s.p. (linear side-impact protection)