and a directory for the same "virtual CD" (e.g. both
directory "CD4" and playlist "cd4.m3u" exist), the
songs in the directory take precedence.
If one or more of those directories or playlists do not
exist, the radio will think that the respective slots of
the "CD changer" are empty. Each of the directories
or playlists may contain up to 99 compatible music
files (MP3, WMA, AAC) - they are the "tracks" of the
virtual CD.
It is no problem to store other data on the device,
the Solisto will simply ignore that. The USB storage
device can be removed during operation and re-
placed by a different one. If the Solisto is installed
in a place where it is difficult to change the USB
device, a normal USB extension cable can be used.
The maximum length of the extension cable should
be about 5 meters.
How To Use Playlists
The USB connection supports playlists of the stan-
dard M3U type. These can be created by various
free software tools such as Winamp or MP3Tag.
Using playlists, the songs (music files) can reside on
the USB drive in any kind of directory structure e.g.
having first the name of the artist and below that
sub-directories for each of the albums of that artist.
Which songs should be played in which order is then
determined by playlists put into the root directory of
the USB drive and named cd1.m3u to cd6.m3u or
cd10.m3u respectively. The first 99 entries of each
of these playlists will be used by the Solisto.
For more general information about the M3U format,
please check
How To Use Specially Named Directories
Depending on the car stereo, up to ten directories
for "virtual CDs" are supported. The correct naming
of the directories is all-important and must follow
the pattern "CD1", "CD2" etc., as all other directo-
ries are ignored by the Solisto. The music files have
to be copied into these specially named directories.
Up to 99 music files of the types MP3, WMA, and
AAC are recognised by the Solisto per directory.
Sub-directories are not supported.
The order in which the Solisto plays the songs from a
"virtual CD" does not follow their alphabetical order,
but the order of the MP3 files in the file system of the
USB drive. This makes it possible to copy MP3 files
to the USB drive from any computer without instal-
ling a special software first while offering a method
to bring the songs into any order without renaming
the files. You can sort manually by creating a new
directory for a "virtual CD" (e.g. "CD5") and copying
the MP3 files one by one in the desired order. An
easier way to set the order in which the songs are
played is offered by the program "SongManager".
This can be downloaded for free from our website The SongManager requires Micro-
soft Windows and the free Microsoft.Net Frame-
work. Please consult the online help system of the
SongManager for more information.
Suitable Storage Devices
Solisto features a USB interface, so nearly every
storage device with such a connector can be used.
Examples are USB flash drives, also USB adaptors
for different kinds of flash memory (SD, Compact
Flash, Memory Card etc.) or even external hard
disks. Please note that for external hard disks not
every model may be suitable. Take note of the re-
quirements for mass storage devices in the chapter
"Data Sheet". In case of problems with your sto-
rage device please contact the customer service at
Are the directories and/or playlists for the
Directories must be named "CD1", "CD2"
etc., playlists "cd1.m3u", "cd2.m3u" and so on.
No sub-directories are allowed for directories