• Makesurethegardenhoseis connected t othe
waterinlet.Check thatthe highpressure hoseis
connected t othe spraygunandthe pump. S tart
• Applydetergent to a dry surface, starting fromthe
bottom andworking up.
• Allowthedetergent to "soakin"for3-5minutes
beforerinsing. R eapply a s needed to prevent
surface fromdrying.
• Forwashing, s tartat lowerportion ofareato be
washed andworkupward, usinglong,even,
overlapping s trokes.
IMPORTANT: Youmustflushthechemical injection
system aftereachuseby placing thefilterintoa clean
bucket o fwaterandrunning the pressure w asher in
lowpressure for1-2minutes.
Be extremely careful if you use the
pressure washer from a ladder, scaffolding or
any other relatively unstable location. Pressure
in a running washer builds as you climb. When
you press the trigger, the recoil from the initial
spray could cause you to fall. The high pressure
spray could also cause you to fall if you are too
close to the cleaning surface.
For Rinsing:
Slide the nozzle backward to high pressure, press
the trigger and wait for the detergent to clear.
NOTE: You can also stop detergent flow by removing
detergent siphoning tube from container.
Keep the spray gun a safe distance from the area
you plan to spray.
Apply a high pressure spray to a small area, then
check the surface for damage. If no damage is
found, it is okay to continue cleaning.
Start at the top of the area to be rinsed, working
down with same overlapping strokes as you used
for washing and applying detergent.
Cool Down System
(Thermal Relief)
If you run the engine on your pressure washer for
3-5 minutes without pressing the trigger on the spray
gun, circulating water in the pump can reach
between 140-145°F. The automatic cool
down system engages at this temperature
and cools
the pump by discharging the warm water onto the
ground, preventing internal pump damage.