Trouble Shooting
Trouble shooting problems may have similar causes and solutions.
• Low pressure, not enough air or compressor does not stop.
Tank drain valve is open: Close drain valve.
• Prolonged excessive air
Decrease amount of air used.
• Compressor not large enough for job
Check air requirement of accessory. If it is higher than CFM and pressure by compressor, you need a larger compressor.
Most accessories are rated at 25% of actual CFM while running continuously.
• Restricted check valve
Remove and clean or replace.
• Hole in air hose
Check and replace if necessary.
• Tank leaks
Replace tank
Immediately replace tank. Do not attempt to repair.
• Blown seals
Replace any faulty seals.
Replace worn parts and reassemble with new seals.
• Excessive starting and stopping, while not in use
Fittings leak
Check fittings with soapy water. Tighten or reseal leaking fittings. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
Replace worn parts and reassemble with new seals.
Replace any regulator internal parts.
• Regulated pressure gauge reading drops when air accessory is being used.
This is normal in some applications
• Compressor not large enough
If pressure drops too low, adjust regulator while accessory is used.
Check air requirement of accessory, it may be higher than CFM pressure supplied by compressor. Most accessories are
rated at 25% of actual CFM while running continuously.
• Circuit breaker trips (fuse blows) too often
Low voltage, consult electrician.