5.3 Central brush:
The main brush, Detail 2 Fig. 5 is the main part of the sweeper. This brush collects and loads dust and rubbish in the
refuse container; it is available with different types of bristles of different harnesses according to the material to be
collected; it can be adjusted in height when it is worn.
IMPORTANT: Never collect string, wires, packaging straps, sticks etc., that are longer than 25 cm as they could
wind around the side and main brushes.
5.4 Filtering system:
Thanks to the sweeper's filtering effect no dust is seen in the
environment when it is working. This is achieved by means of
filters Detail 3 Fig. 5; the filter system can be disengaged by
pulling the knob Detail 4 Fig. 6 upwards.
IMPORTANT: Disengage the filter when going over damp
surfaces (if the machine is running) otherwise the paper filters
will get damp causing them to deteriorate quickly.
5.5 Dust flaps:
See Details 4 of Fig. 5. These flaps are all around the main brush
and are extremely important to ensure that the sweeper works
properly thanks to their suction effect; check them often to make
sure they are always in a good state of repair.
5.6 Refuse container:
The refuse collector or container Detail A Fig. 1, is made in strong and resistant plastic and holds all the material
collected by the main brush and dust from the filters.
IMPORTANT: Always empty the container after the motor has been turned off, wearing gloves and even a mask
to protect your lungs from the dust which is always present in this operation.
50&70 ST: Part. 1 - 4 - 5 - 6 – 9
50&70 BT: Part. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl
Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy
Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069