To hide the current shown tra c signs, simpl
touch one of the signs. The normal map display
will be shown again until new tra c sign data is
Introduction to the control elements
Junction overview
When you are approaching a motorway exit or a
complicated junction and appropriate information
is available, the map will be replaced by a 3D view
of the junction. The lanes you must stay within
will be marked with arrows. If available, traffic
signs will sometimes be shown. Simply touch the
image to hide the junction that is displayed and
return to the map display.
Types of 3D object
Porsche Classic Radio Navigation supports the
following types of 3D object:
3D terrain
The 3D terrain data shows you changes in
the terrain or sea level when viewing the map
in 2D. It is used when tracing the route in
3D during navigation. On the 3D map, hills
and mountains are shown in the background,
while on the 2D map they are shown in colour
and with shading.
Complex junctions and roads that are raised
above other roads (e.g. overpasses and
bridges) will be shown in 3D.
3D Landmarks
Orientation points are artificial representa-
tions of conspicuous or well-known objects
in 3D.
3D buildings
These are 3D block graphics of the complete
building data of a city. They reproduce the
actual size of the buildings and their position
on the map.
Elements of the active route
Porsche Classic Radio Navigation illustrates the
route in the following way:
Current GPS position and start point
This symbol shows your current posi-
tion on the map. When there are roads
nearb , the s mbol will be fixed to the
nearestroad. If the GPS position is avail-
able, the route starts with the current
position. If there is no valid GPS posi-
tion, Porsche Classic Radio Navigation
uses the last known GPS position as a
start point.
Waypoint (interim destination)
An interim stop on the route, before
ou reach our final destination.
Destination (end point)
The final destination of our route.