Guardian LP or Natural Gas Heater
-- Line voltage is sent to transformer
-- Transformer terminal branches off line voltage
to ignition control terminal L1.
-- Transformer reduces line voltage to 24 VAC.
-- 24 VAC is sent to thermostat.
-- Thermostat closes and returns 24 volts to
terminal W on ignition control.
-- Red light on ignition control is illuminated.
-- Ignition control sends fl ame sense current to
fl ame sensor.
-- Ignition control module performs self safety
-- Internal components are tested.
-- Air proving circuit is tested
-- Control sends 24 VAC from terminal PSI to
air proving switch.
-- Ignition control module begins ignition trial
-- Ignition control sends 115 volts from terminal
IND to motor. (Model AW325: Ignition control
sends 115 volts to terminal 0 of motor relay.
The relay closes, and sends 115 volts from
terminals 2 and 6 to start the motor.
-- Motor starts.
-- Air proving switch closes and 24 volts are
returned to terminal PSO of ignition control.
-- Motor stops.
-- Ignition control module sends 115 volts to hot
surface igniter.
-- Igniter reaches ignition temperature in 17
-- Ignition control restarts the fan motor while
sending 24 VAC to air proving switch.
-- Switch closes and 24 volts are returned back
to control.
-- Ignition control send 24 volts from terminal GV
to high limit switch.
-- If limit switch contacts are closed, limit sends
24 volts to gas control valve
-- Gas control valve opens
-- Ignition occurs.
-- Flame sense current is passed through burner
fl ame back to ignition control.
-- Igniter stays powered until ignition control
proves fl ame sense
-- Igniter then shuts down.
-- Gas control valve stays open
-- Room warms to desired temperature.
-- Thermostat is satisfi ed.
-- Heater shuts down.
-- Process starts again on a call for heat.
Owner's Manual • Guardian
-- First trial for ignition takes approximately 20
-- Two more ignition trials occur
-- Second trial immediately follows if fi rst trial
-- If second trial fails, ignition control starts a 15
minute waiting period
-- At end of 15 minutes, ignition control attempts
third and fi nal ignition trial
-- If ignition control does not prove burner fl ame
after third trial, the control goes into safety
lockout (3 fl ash)
-- Gas valve closes.
-- Hot surface igniter shuts down
-- Fan motor stops.
-- To retry for ignition, turn the heater off and
then on.