Input N connector. Without attenuation (ATT 0 dB) +10 dBm and ±10 V
must not be exceeded. With an attenuation of 10 to 50 dB, the maximum
level is +20 dBm. Levels or dc voltages above the values mentioned
may destruct the input stage. The outer contact is connected to the
instrument chassis and thus to safety ground (PE).
External TRIGGER
External trigger input BNC connector.
Low-Pegel: 0 ... +0.8 V, High-Pegel: +2.5 V ... + 5.0 V
pos. edge triggered, Treshold typ.: 1.3 V,
max. Input voltage: ±10 V
Pushbutton for activating the external trigger.
Pushbutton for turning the test signal on/off.
Test signal output N connector. If the ON
test signal with a broad spectrum is available the level of which can be
adjusted from –10 to 0 dBm with the tuning knob
. The test signal level is indicated in the readout
fi eld (TL ... dBm). The output may be connected directly with the input
with a N cable in order to test the function of the instrument. The outer
contact is connected to the chassis and hence to safety ground (PE).
2.5 mm jack, power supply (6 V
, max. 100 mA) for HAMEG fi eld probes.
The outer contact is connected to the chassis and hence to safety ground
(PE), the inner conductor is the positive terminal.
I n t e r f a c e , R e a d i n g m e a s u r e m e n t r e s u l t s , r e m o t e c o n t r o l
pushbutton is lit, a 50 MHz
after depressing
RS-232 Interface, USB/RS-232 Dual Interface
Reading measurement results, remote control
All terminals of the interface are galvanically connected
to the instrument chassis and hence also to the safety
ground (protective earth PE).
Elevated measurements, i.e. measurements where the input and output
terminals and hence also the instrument chassis are connected to a
high reference potential are not permitted and endanger operator,
instrument, interface and peripheral devices! In case these warnings
and the warnings given in the section „Safety" are disregarded, HAMEG
refuses any liability for personal injury and/or damage to HAMEG or
other equipment, possible damages will not be repaired under the
The instrument features a RS-232 or combined USB/RS-232 interface
(option HO720), which is implemented with RS-232 as female 9-pin sub
D connector and with USB as socket contact type B on its back panel.
This bidirectional interface allows to remotely control the instrument
as well as the transmission of parameters and measurement results
to a PC.
USB cables
The double shielded cable must be
interface HO720 (option) the combined USB/RS-232 interface is re-
cognized automatically by the fi rmware of the spectrum analyzer. After
switching on the interface is indicated in the Readout by the reference
3 m. After installation of the
Subject to change without notice