The Enders HEAT RANGE burner system in the Kansas
Pro series provides an ideal distribution of heat on the
cooking grate all the way to the outer zones thanks to
a change in the burner architecture and the protected
U technology. The new burner system consists of opti-
mized stainless steel burners and fl ame covers.
Specifi cally, the HEAT RANGE burner system provides
consistent temperatures from 80°C (ideal for low-tem-
perature cooking) up to 300°C in the cooking zone. Tem-
peratures up to 400°C are achieved directly on the grate.
Low-temperature cooking is particularly suitable for
Finally a gas grill on which juicy steaks turn out
excellently – thanks to the Turbo Zone (controller
with the red ring). Because a good steak requires
the highest temperature for a short time, so that
intensive roasting by-products and grill-like flavours
can develop in the meat. The Turbo Zone is easy to
operate – simply turn it up and the searing process
sensitive types of meat such as tenderloin or roast beef.
Thanks to the gentle cooking process, you get juicy-de-
licious grill results.
The HEAT RANGE burner system also offers an even
distribution of heat across the entire grill surface in the
front section. Flare-ups are minimized due to the new
fl ame covers. Another advantage of the burner system is
the short heating time until the maximum grilling tem-
perature is reached.
of the steak can begin.
grilling in different heat zones enables a perfect
result for any type of meat
freely controllable grill zone with strong, direct heat
for perfect steaks
economical consumption