Positioning the Unit...
Set the product inside the
cabinet for positioning.
The side of the unit should
be lined up with the door
frame opening to allow
clearance for removing the
hose handle without hitting
the door frame.
Check to make sure that there is
clearance for the door and proper
hose operation.
Align the bracket
to the reference
marks and
predrill the 2
holes. Install the
2 screws through
the bracket into
the floor of the
From the side, the unit
should be positioned as
far forward as possible
while still allowing the
cabinet door to close
without hitting the hose
Positioning the Base Bracket
Position the unit and make
reference marks for the
bracket. (A piece of masking
tape to mark on works well.)
Determine Position: position the top bracket
(consists of the bracket and sliding arm). There are
two options to secure the top of the unit:
Secure the unit to
the door frame.
Pre-drill a pilot hole in
the door frame before
driving screw to prevent
splitting the wood (use a
5/64 drill bit).
Do not insert screws at this time. The Vroom will need to
be removed (see step 6).
Remove the unit
Place the Vroom
back into the
bracket and
properly position.
Then use two
black wood
screws (provided)
to secure the
Vroom to the
Base Bracket. WARNING: using oversized
screws can damage the internal workings of
the Vroom unit.
Secure the unit to
the cabinet side
wall. Pre-drill a pilot
hole in the side wall
before driving screw
to prevent splitting
the wood (use a 5/64
drill bit).