Pressure & Temperature Requirements.
• Hot and cold water inlet pressures should
be equal.
• Inlet pressure range: 150-1000 kPa
• New Regulation: -500 kPa maximum operating
pressure at any outlet within a building.
(Ref. AS/NZS 3500.1-2003, Clause 3.3.4)
• Maximum hot water temperature: 80°C.
iB Rubinetterie S.p.A.
Via dei Pianotti 3/5
25068 SAREZZO (BS) Italy
Iscr. Reg. Impr. BS 01785230986
R.E.A. BS 352087
P.IVA IT01785230986
Capitale Sociale € 420.000,00 i.v.
phone +39 030 802101
fax +39 030 803097