Live Healthy.
Press M.F button on the remote control. M.F
LED will light up in green. Manual mode (P7)
will apear on the LCD display. The internal jade
massage heads will stop moving.
When the Move up button is pressed, the inter-
nal jade massage heads will move to the head
area. To stop the internal jade massage head,
press the same button.
When the Move down button is pressed, the
internal jade massage heads will move to the
lower back area. To stop the internal jade mas-
sage head, press the same button.
In manual mode, the lower mechanism contin-
ues to move automatically.
If the upper internal jade massage heads stop
for two or more minutes, they will turn off auto-
matically as a safety feature. If you want them
to move again, press Move button again.
*In manual mode, temperature of the external
jade massage head will remain same as the
temperature set from the previous operation.
To stop the manual operation, press the M.F
button again.
The manual operation LED will be turned off,
and the product will start from the automatic
operation selected from the previous session.