Reposition the wedge adaptor (14) on the sliding plate (13), ensuring that the narrow end of the
wedge adaptor faces forwards
Insert the four screws (15) in the holes in the wedge adaptor and tighten.
Platform slide clamp adjustment
(Fig 7)
The platform slide clamp should be set so that, in the up or clamped position it prevents the platform slide
from being moved, while in the down or released position it allows free adjustment of the slide. To adjust
the clamp, proceed as follows:
Pull the slide clamp lever (16) fully upwards.
Slacken the clamp screw (16.2).
Turn the slotted shaft (16.1) fully clockwise to apply the clamp.
Tighten the clamp screw (16.2).
Move the lever over its full range and ensure that, in the clamped position, it prevents the slide from
being moved, while in the released position it allows free adjustment of the slide. Re-adjust if nec-
Pan and tilt brake adjustment
The pan (7) and tilt brakes (6) are operated by levers on the right of the head. The brakes are applied by
pushing the appropriate lever down and released by pulling the lever up.
If the brakes become ineffective, adjustment should be carried out by qualified personnel in accordance
with the Maintenance Manual (Publication Part No. V3996-4990).