Home screen (setting the time of day, hour of
regeneration and days between regenera-
Once you return to the home screen press the Menu scroll button. The
LED light will flash under the clock set icon and use the up and down
buttons to adjust to the current time.
Press the Menu Scroll button again to advance to Hour of
Regeneration the LED light will flash under this icon. Use the up or
down buttons to advance to the chosen time.
Press the Menu Scroll button for a third time to display Days between
Regeneration. You may choose 1- 7 days.
Press the Menu Scroll button a fourth time and choose Pounds of salt
to Regenerate. Use the up or down buttons to adjust. The range of salt
pounds available is based on unit size.
Manual regeneration
To manually regenerate the system press the Regenerate Now button.
The control will count down from 10 seconds. To cancel the regener-
ation press the Menu Scroll button before the countdown is complete.
Once the regeneration has started you may manually advance to each
cycle by pressing and holding the Menu Scroll button for 5 seconds.
How to Calculate the Regeneration Schedule
1. Calculate the Number of Gallons Used Per Day
The average person consumes about 75 gallons per day. Multiply the
gallons by the number of people in the home (use 4 in this example).
Example: 75 gallons x 4 people = 300 gallons used per day.
2. Calculate the Number of Grains to be Softened Per Day
Use the number of gallons used per day and multiply it by the grains
of hardness in each gallon (use 10 in this example). Add 5 grains for
each part of Iron (1 ppm = 5 grains; 2 ppm iron in this example).
Example: 10 grains of hardness + 10 grains for Iron = 20 grains of hard-
ness. 300 gallons used per day X 20 grains of hardness = 6,000 grains to
be softened per day.
3. Calculate the Days between Regeneration
Divide the capacity of the unit into the grains to be softened per day.
Use the data charts on pages 4-6 to locate the specific capacity for your
model, for the given salting.
(Continued on next page)
Helpful Tip: When calculating the
number of people in the home,
consider a washing machine as a
1/2 a person and a dishwasher a
1/2 a person.
Helpful Tip: Use the below fill-in-
the-blank to help compute the
regeneration schedule:
75 gallons x _____ people = _______ gallons used
per day. (A)
_____ grains of hardness + _____ grains for Iron =
_____ total grains of hardness. (B)
_______ gallons used per day (A from above) x
_______ total grains of hardness (B from above) =
_____ grains to be softened per day. (C)
_________ capacity of unit at given salt (see pages
4-6) ÷ _______ grains to be softened per day (C
from above) = ______ days between regeneration
If number is a decimal, round down: ______days
between regeneration