V. Trouble shooting
The cleaner does not
work and the yellow
indicator light slowly
The cleaner does not
work and the red
indicator light slowly
The cleaner does not
work and the blue
indicator light flashes.
The cleaner does not
work and the indicator
light does not flash
The adapter indicator
light does not work.
The cleaner does not
have a full coverage of
VI. Indicator status
Possible reason
Low remaining battery
Internal fault
Pump protection
Battery protection
Adapter damage
Unsuitable nozzle angle
Special pool shape
Pool water filtration
system is open.
Blue light steady flash
Red light steady flash
Blue light flashes
Red light flashes
Yellow light flashes 3 times then steady flash
till power off
Charge the battery
Contact after-sale service
Re-start the robot.
Charge the robot and in case it does not work,
please ask for after sales service
Contact after-sale service
Adjust nozzle angle
Adjust nozzle to increase angle of deflection
Turn off water filtration system
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