Operating instructions for
air curtain systems
Residual risks and danger spots at the air curtain system
The following residual risks which may occur must at all events be heeded by all persons working on the air cur-
tain system:
Fire protection
In case of fire, the air curtain system can become an accelerant. Because of the circulation of
large air masses, fire centres around the system are supplied with additional oxygen. We explicitly
point out that the system must be incorporated into the building's fire safety code, according to the
applicable regulations at the location of use.
How to mount your air curtain system
You can choose between wall and ceiling mounting:
Porous wires can result in electrical fires
Short circuit or electrocution due to porous wires
Fire in heating coils or air vents
Overheating of the motor
Danger of burns from hot surfaces within the system! Allow the system to cool down before
The running motor must not be touched when the cover is open if the motor has not been
turned off and stopped
Danger of electrocution due to dampness or leaking fluids in the system
Danger of burns from hot, pressurized water from the hot water pump
The complete device may fall down from the ceiling if installation is faulty or if the wall and
ceiling fastenings come loose
For wall mounting special wall mounting accessories (type WHK) are anchored to the
wall with heavy duty dowels. 2 or 3 wall brackets will be needed depending on system
length. The air curtain system can then be fastened to the wall bracket using the T-bolts
in the top of the housing and compatible (self-locking) nuts.
Option: Ceiling brackets mounted with T-bolts with self-locking nuts to the top of the hous-
ing. Depending on the system length 2 or 3 brackets are needed. The holders are sus-
pended from the ceiling using two threaded rods.
Option: Depending on system length 4 or 6 special ceiling mounting accessories (type
DH/DHD) are screwed into blind rivet nuts on the top of the air curtain system and an-
chored into the ceiling above the door with heavy duty dowels. Adjusting of the turnbuck-
les allows horizontal alignment at the correct height.