Continuity test
Place the test probes on the line to test, fuse or similar. For a resistance of
0 - 2 kΩ, the resistance values appears on the display and an acoustic signal
sounds up to approx. 50Ω. If the measurement value is >2 kΩ, the over-
range indication „OL" appears on the display.
FI/RCD trip test
The Metrel
a FI/RCD circuit breaker using two buttons (FI\RCD). The FI/RCD
(max. 30 mA) is checked between the phase and circuit breaker (max. 240 V).
The display backlighting is permanent
Frequency measurement
During the voltage measurement, the frequency of the AC voltage applied is
recorded and indicated on the display by the small figures.
MD 1155* - LCD has a load that makes it possible to trigger
MD 1155* - LCD