It is an employer s responsibility to enforce
the use of appropriate safety protective equip-
ments by the tool operators and by other per-
sons in the immediate working area.
5 .
The risks to others shall be assessed by the
6 .
Be careful with tools without workpiece con-
tact as they can be red unintentionally and
injure operator and or bystander.
Ensure tool is always safely engaged on the
workpiece and cannot slip.
8 .
W ear hearing protection to protect your ears
against exhaust noise and head protection.
Also ear light but not loose clothing. Sleeves
should be buttoned or rolled up. No necktie
should be orn.
Operating hazards
1 .
Hold the tool correctly: be ready to counteract
normal or sudden movements such as recoil.
Maintain a balanced body position and secure
Appropriate safety glasses shall be used and
appropriate gloves and protective clothing are
4 .
Appropriate hearing protection shall be orn.
5 .
Use the correct energy supply as directed in
the instruction manual.
6 .
Do not use the tool on moving platforms or
back of trucks. S u d d en mo v ement o f t h e plat f orm
ma y lose c ontrol o f t h e tool an d c ause in j ur y .
Always assume that the tool contains
Do not rush the job or force the tool. Handle
8 .
the tool carefully.
9 .
Watch your footing and maintain your balance
with the tool. Make sure t h ere is no one belo w
w h en w orking in h ig h lo c ations, an d se c ure t h e air
h ose to pre v ent d anger i f t h ere is su d d en j erking
or c at c h ing.
1 0. On rooftops and other high locations, drive
fasteners as you move forward. I t is eas y to lose
y our f ooting i f y ou d ri v e f asteners w h ile in c h ing
ba c k w ar d . W h en d ri v ing f asteners against perpen-
d i c ular sur f a c e, w ork f rom t h e top to t h e bottom.
Y ou c an per f orm d ri v ing operations w it h less
f atigue b y d oing so.
1 1 .
A fastener ill be bent or the tool can become
jammed if you mistakenly drive fastener on
top of another fastener or strike a knot in the
ood. The fastener may be thro n and hit
someone, or the tool itself can react danger-
ously. Place the fasteners with care.
1 2. Do not leave the loaded tool or the air com-
pressor under pressure for a long time out in
the sun. Be sure that dust, sand, chips and
foreign matter will not enter the tool in the
place where you leave it setting.
1 3. Never attempt to drive fasteners from both the
inside and outside at the same time. F asteners
may rip through and/or y off, presenting a grave
d anger.
Repetitive motions hazards
1 .
When using a tool for long periods, the oper-
ator may experience discomfort in the hands,
arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of the
While using a tool, the operator should adopt
a suitable but ergonomic posture. Maintain
secure footing and avoid a k ard or off-bal-
anced postures.
If the operator experiences symptoms such
as persistent or recurring discomfort, pain,
throbbing, aching, tingling, numbness, burn-
ing sensation, or stiffness, do not ignore these
warning signs. The operator should consult a
uali ed health professional regarding overall
4 .
The continuous use of the tool may cause
repetitive strain injury due to recoil produced
by the tool.
5 .
To avoid repetitive strain injury, the operator
should not overreach or use excessive force.
Additionally, the operator should take a rest
when feeling fatigue.
6 .
Conduct a risk assessment regarding repeti-
tive motion hazards. It should focus on mus-
cular-skeletal disorders and be preferentially
based on the assumption that decreasing
fatigue during work is effective in reducing
Accessory and consumable hazards
1 .
Disconnect the energy supply to the tool, such
as air or gas or battery as applicable, before
changing/replacing accessories such as work-
piece contact, or making any adjustments.
Use only the sizes and types of accessories
that are provided by the manufacturer.
Use only lubricants recommended in this
W orkplace hazards
Slips, trips and falls are major causes of ork-
1 .
place injury. Be a are of slippery surfaces
caused by use of the tool and also of trip haz-
ards caused by the air line hose.
Proceed with additional care in unfamiliar
surroundings. Hidden hazards may exist, such
as electricity or other utility lines.
This tool is not intended for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres and is not insulated
from coming into contact with electric power.
Make sure there are no electrical cables, gas
4 .
pipes etc. that could cause a hazard if dam-
aged by use of the tool.
Keep work area clean and well lit. C luttere d or
5 .
d ark areas in v ite a c c i d ents.
6 .
There may be local regulations concerning
noise hich must be complied ith by keeping
noise levels ithin prescribed limits. In certain
cases, shutters should be used to contain
Dust and exhaust hazards
1 .
Always check your surroundings. The air
exhausted from the tool may blo dust or
objects and hit operator and or bystanders.