note 2:
a) For easy recognition, the motor beeps at the same time when the GREEN LED flashes.
b) When "N" (the number) is equal to or bigger than 5, we use a long flash to represent "5". For example, the GREEN LED flashes a
long flash (and the motor beeps a long beep at the same time) indicating you are in the 5th programmable item; if the GREEN
flashes a long flash and a short flash (and the motor beeps a long beep and a short beep at the same time) indicating you are in
the 6th programmable item; a long flash and two short flashes ( a long beep and two short beeps at the same time) indicating
you're in the 7th programmable item and so on.
2) Program your ESC with a lED program card
The portable LED program card is an optional accessory applicable for field use. Its friendly interface makes the ESC
programming easy and quick. Before the programming, you need to connect your ESC and the program card via a cable with
two jR male connectors (as shown below), and then turn on the ESC, all programmable items will show up a few seconds later.
You can select the item by choosing via "ITEM" & "VALUE" buttons on the program card. Press the "OK" button to save all new
settings to your ESC.
note 3: the programming port of this ESC is also the fan port, so you need to unplug the fan first and then plug (one end of) the
programming cable in the PRG/FAN port and the other end (of the programming cable) in the ESC port on the LCD program
box. Please don't use the throttle control cable (also called Rx cable) on the ESC to connect the program card/box, otherwise
the program card/box won't function.
1) Restore the default values with the SET button
Press and hold the SET button for over 3 seconds anytime when the throttle trigger is at the neutral
position (except during the ESC calibration and programming) can factory reset your ESC. RED & GREEN
LEDs flash simultaneously indicating you have successfully restored all the default values within your ESC.
Once you power the ESC off, and then back on, your settings will be back in the default mode.
2) Restore the default values with a lED program card
After connecting the program card to the ESC, press the "RESET" button and the "OK" button to
factory reset your ESC.
After power on, motor doesn't work,
and the cooling fan doesn't work
After power on, motor can't work, but emits
"beep-beep-, beep-beep-" alert tone. (Every
"beep-beep-" has a time interval of 1 second )
After the ESC was powered on and finished
LiPo cells detection (the GREEN LED flashed
N times), and then the RED LED flashed
The motor runs in the opposite direction
when it is accelerated
The motor suddenly stops running while in
working state
The motor stuttered but couldn't start.
The vehicle could run forward (and brake), but
could not reverse.
The car ran forward/backward slowly when
the throttle trigger was at the neutral position.
The LED program card kept display 3 short
lines (- - -) after you connected it to your ESC.
When pressing the SET button to set the
throttle neutral position, the GREEN LED
didn't flash and no beep was emitted, or you
were unable to set the full throttle endpoint
and the full brake endpoint after the neutral
position was accepted.
No power was supplied to the ESC.
The ESC switch was damaged
Input voltage is abnormal, too high or too low
The ESC didn't detect any throttle signal.
The neutral throttle value stored on your ESC is
different from the value stored on the transmitter
The (ESC-to-motor) wiring order was incorrect
Your chassis is different from popular chassis.
The throttle signal is lost
The ESC has entered the Low Voltage
Protection Mode or Over-heat Protection Mode
Some soldering between the motor and the
ESC was not good.
The ESC was damaged (some MOSFETs were burnt).
The throttle neutral position on your transmitter
was actually in the braking zone.
Set the "Running Mode" improperly.
Set the "Running Mode" improperly.
The ESC was damaged.
The neutral position on the transmitter was not
stable, so signals were not stable either.
The ESC calibration was not proper.
The programming card/box was connected to
the ESC via the throttlecontrol cable (Rx cable).
The ESC throttle cable wasn't plugged in the
correct channel on the receiver.
The ESC throttle cable was reversely plugged in.
Check if all ESC & battery connectors have been well
soldered or firmly connected.
Replace the broken switch.
Check the voltage of the battery pack
Plug the control wire into the throttle channel of the receiver
Re-calibrate the throttle range after you release the throttle
trigger to the neutral position.
Swap any two wire connections between the ESC and the
Check the transmitter and the receiver
Check the signal wire from the throttle channel of your receiver
Red LED flashes means Low Voltage.
Green LED flashes means Over-heat.
Check all soldering points, please re-solder if necessary.
Contact the distributor for repair or other customer services.
Re-calibrate the throttle neutral position. No LED on the
ESC will come on when the throttle trigger is at the neutral
Set the "running mode" to "Forward/Reverse with Brake".
Contact the distributor for repair or other customer services.
Replace your transmitter
Re-calibrate the throttle range or fine tune the neutral
position on the transmitter.
It is wrong to use the Rx cable to connect programming
card/box. The programming port of this ESC is also the fan
port, so please connect the ESC and programming card/box
by plugging the programming cable into the fan port.
Plug the throttle cable into the throttle (TH) channel on your
Plug in the throttle cable properly by referring to relevant
mark shown on your receiver.