Check that the tool operates satisfactorily in both directions.
Run the tool up to maximum pressure and check that there
are no oil leaks.
Check the tightness of the nut on the centre bolt using a
torque meter (Fig. 6).
Check the quick couplings and dust caps.
Oil the tips and blades.
Replacing the blades (Fig. 6)
To replace the blades, fi rst position the blades so that you can gain
access to the circlips (item A).
Remove the circlips (A) and tap out the pins (item B). Remove the
nut from the centre bolt (item C) and the washer (item D). Tap out
the centre bolt (item E) and remove the blades.
Before fi tting new blades, lubricate the mating surfaces and holes
with Molycote G-rapid or an equivalent grease.
Reassemble in the reverse order. NOTE, the nut on the centre bolt
must be tightened to a torque of 140 Nm.
REHOBOT Hydraulics AB
Skjulstagatan 11 A, 632 29 Eskilstuna, SWEDEN P.O. Box 1107 631 80 Eskilstuna