VOKKERO GUARDIAN EUROPE Standard & Plus - User Guide V2.0.0
3 - Encryption
The encryption key is used to make communications within a given system secure.
Only the devices using the same encryption key are authorized to communicate on the
Several options are available:
No encryption: the communications are not secure; all the Guardian devices can
join the network, even if they have no encryption key.
Single key: the system uses one single encryption key; this key can be occasionally
changed by the user by selecting "New Key"
New Key with each configuration: the configurator generates a new key with
each new successfully performed con-figuration.
4 - Multi-master
In standard configuration mode, communication is established only between terminals
within range of role #1. In addition, only terminals within range of each other can com-
municate with each other.
The multi-master option allows terminals whose role is between 1 and 8 to extend the
network. As in standard configuration, the terminals must remain within range of each
Important note: each time a new terminal is added you must reconfigure all the ter-
minals. When configuring only the «New key at each conf" option is available (System>
5 - Language
You can change the system's display language by means of the "Language" setting.
Choose the language you want and validate with
6 - Updating software
Used to update the software versions of the terminals and / or the configurator.
on the bottom right-hand
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