- Touch here to adjust the brightness.
Use the controls that appear on the
InteractPad and touch OK when you're
happy with the settings.
- Touch here to adjust the zoom.
Use the controls that appear on the
InteractPad and touch OK when you're
happy with the settings.
Using your toolbar of options
will display a new toolbar of
options across the bottom of the viewfi nder
screen. Use the arrows on the InteractPad to
navigate the options.
Go to - Choose to view the videos in
your Album or to switch to Camera mode.
Video mode - To shoot a video you
want to send in a multimedia message,
select MMS.
Resolution - If you want to fi t more
videos onto your phone you can alter the
pixel number to make the fi le size smaller.
Choose between two options for your video,
320 x 240 or 176 x 144.
Quality - Choose between Super fi ne,
Fine and Normal. The fi ner the quality the
sharper a video will be, but the fi le size will
increase as a result, which means you'll be
able to store fewer videos in the phone's
Flash - Turn the fl ash On or Off.
The fl ash is set to Off as default, saving
battery power.
Save to - Choose whether to save
your videos to the Phone memory or to the
External memory.
Color effect - Choose a color tone
to apply to the video you're taking. Choose
from four color tone options: Off
(normal/ color), Sepia, Mono (black and
white) or Negative.
White balance - The white balance
ensures that any white in your videos
is realistic. In order for your camera to
correctly adjust the white balance you may
need to determine the light conditions.
Choose from Auto, Daylight, Incandescent,
Cloudy, Fluorescent or Night mode.