If the unit is stored in a cold place, allow it to acclimatize at room temperature
before use.
Do not take a measurement in a low (less than 41°F/ 5°C) or high (more than
104°F/40°C) temperature or you may get the inaccurate readings.
Wait 30 ~ 45 minutes before measurement if you've just consumed
beverages containing caffeine or smoked cigarettes.
Rest at least 5 ~ 10 minutes before taking a measurement.
Relax at least 3 ~ 5 minutes in between measurements.
Make sure the cuff plug is attached to the monitor.
We recommend you using the same arm (preferably the left arm) and
measuring around the same time each day.
Perform measurements in a quiet and relaxed environment at room
Sit down comfortably and place your arm on the table with your feet flat on
the floor.
Wrap the cuff snugly around your exposed upper arm and lay your arm on a
table or a flat surface at the same level as your heart. Your feet should be flat
on the floor.
Do not move or shake the device during a measurement.
Blood pressure measurements should be interpreted by a physician or a
trained health professional who is familiar with your medical history.
Using the unit and recording the results regularly for your physician to
interpret, you will keep your physician informed of the continuing changes in
your blood pressure.
If you have one of the circulatory problems as arteriosclerosis, diabetes, liver
disease, kidney disease, severe hypertension, peripheral circulation......,
please consult your healthcare professional before using the device.
This product is not suitable for people with arrhythmia and pregnant women..
Blood pressure measurements taken with this device are equivalent to those
obtained by a trained observer using the cuff / stethoscope auscultation
method and are within the accuracy limits prescribed by the standard of EN
To avoid accidental strangulation, keep this product away from children. Don't
let them wrap the tube around their neck.
Blood pressure
Measurement Principle
This product uses the Oscillometric Measuring method to detect blood pressure. Before every
measurement, the unit establishes a "zero pressure" equivalent to the air pressure. Then it starts
inflating the arm cuff, meanwhile, the unit detects pressure oscillations generated by beat-to-beat
pulsatile, which is used to determine the systolic and diastolic pressure, and also pulse rate. The device
also compares the longest and the shortest time intervals of detected pulse waves to mean time interval
then calculates standard deviation. The device will displays a warning signal with the reading to indicate
the detection of irregular heartbeat when the difference of the time intervals is over 25%.
What is Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the artery tube while blood flows through the arteries. The
pressure measured when the heart contracts and sends blood out of the heart is systolic (highest). The
pressure measured when
the heart dilates with blood flowing back into the heart is called diastolic (lowest) blood pressure.