Q u i c k
6. Enter a user name for your SPT 1700 terminal and click the
OK button to open the HotSync Progress dialog and start the
synchronization process.
The HotSync progress window appears on the desktop. A sim-
ilar screen displays the HotSync progress on the SPT 1700.
7. Wait for the software to display a message indicating that the
process is complete. The length of time this takes depends
upon the amount of information being sent.
Conducting a Local HotSync Operation
After you complete the first HotSync operation, the HotSync
process is even faster and easier!
To conduct a local HotSync operation:
1. Insert the SPT 1700 terminal in the cradle.
2. If the HotSync Manager is not running on the host computer,
start it.
3. Press the
HotSync process.
4. Wait for the software to display a message indicating that the
process is complete.
R e f e r e n c e
Every SPT 1700 terminal should have a unique
name. Never try to synchronize more than one
SPT 1700 terminal to the same user name.
button on the front of the cradle to start the