Non-compliance with the above instructions on selection of cable reduces the voltage
excessively and in consequence overloads and damage the motor. The pump is
originally fitted with a short section of the cable. Depending on the user's needs the
cable is extended. Water tight connections of cables must be executed by a person
having proper knowledge and experience. The user should commission the
assembly to a well driller company or can do it in a store he bought the pump.
STORAGE: Clean pump must be stored in a dry place.
Make sure that the pump is placed on even surface on entire length.
The pump's support in one or several points may bend the pump and
cause damage.
The used product must be disposed as waste exclusively in selective
waste collection organized by the Public Network of Electric and
Electronic Waste Collection Points. The consumer may return the used
equipment to the distributor of electric equipment, at least free of charge and
directly provided that the equipment is of the right type and the same functionality
as the newly purchased one.
1. Pumps: 2" STING, 2,5"STm, 3"STm, 3SDm, 3ti, 3SKm, 3"SCR, 3"SQIBO, 3,5"SCR, 3,5"SC
3,5"SCM, 3,5"SDM, 4SKm, ,4SD, 4SDm, 5"SD, 4"ISP, 4"ISPm, 6"ISP, 6"SD, OLA, OLA INOX,
1"GSK 6-16
2. PHU Dambat, Gawartowa Wola 38, 05-085 KAMPINOS, POLAND, e-mail:
3. This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.
4. Pumps form point 1.
5. Under the Act of 30 August 2002 on the conformity system (Journal of Laws of 2004, No. 204 item
2087) we declare with full responsibility that pumps included in the point 1. to which this declaration
refers to are consistent with the following guidelines of the Council on legal regulations unification in
member states of EC:
MD Nr. 2006/42/WE
Applied standards: EN 809:1998 + A1:2009
LVD Nr. 2014/35/UE
Applied standards: EN 60335-1:2012+AC:2014, EN 60335-2-41:2003+A1:2004+A2:2010
EMC Nr. 2014/30/UE
Applied standards: EN 55014-1:2006+A1:2009+A2:2011, EN 61000-3-2:2014
Non-professional connection and insulation of the cables may cause that
the residual current devices will knock out, the motor will be flooded or the
user may suffer electric shock.
Adam Jastrzębski 17.06.2007