More Box Building Notes: Use 3/4" (1.9cm) or
thicker Marine Grade Plywood and seal the joints
with silicone. Use the "template" inside your KM
subwoofer's shipping carton to mark the mounting
hole, then cut directly on the line. These designs
need internal bracing. Add triangular bracing
between each of the larger unsupported panels.
See Figure 4.
All of the cubic feet (L) measurements in this
manual include the displacement of the woofer.
For the vented enclosures the displacement of
the port must be calculated and added to the
internal volume of the fi nal design. Use the outer
dimensions of the port and multiply "X x Y x Z",
convert to cubic feet, for example the KM10 vented compact design's external port dimensions
are, using 3/4" (1.9cm) Marine Grade Plywood: [ (1.5" + 1.5" total wall thickness) x (10.5" + 1.5"
total MDF wall thickness) x 14.5"] x (1 ft
volume of the enclosure, KM10's 1.25 ft
length of these ports, you may want to fold the port along the bottom and back walls. It will be
impractical to use round ports for these designs.
Do not install a port opening against a solid surface, such as an internal brace, back-panel or
structural wall, seat or interior panel of your vessel. The port opening must remain unobstructed.
Use the smallest dimension of the rectangular port as the minimum amount of space between the
port opening and any solid surface to insure unrestricted airfl ow.
For more advice on box building, refer to your Authorized KICKER Dealer, or click on the Support
tab on the Kicker homepage, Choose the Technical Manuals link and then
download or view the corresponding information. Please E-mail
[email protected] or call
Technical Services at (405) 624-8583 for specifi c or unanswered questions.
2011 KM Sub RevB.indd 4
2011 KM Sub RevB.indd 4
Downloaded from
Figure 5
manuals search engine
D = 2" x 2" for KM10
/ 1728 in
) = .30 ft
, and add this number to the internal
+ .30 ft
= 1.55 ft
. See Figure 5. Due to the necessary
Figure 4
1/27/2011 10:09:25 AM
1/27/2011 10:09:25 AM