JAC Mont Blanc H3 Instrucciones De Montaje página 18

Po pierwszym prawid¬owym monta»u baga»nika nie jest
ju» konieczne jego ustawianie. W celu ponownego
zamontowania baga»nika nale»y poluzowa# obydwie
d–wignie (patrz krok 2), na¬o»y# baga»nik na samochód
(patrz krok 10), przy czym najpierw mocowane s™ wsporniki
baga»nika przy dolnej krawędzi tylnej klapy (1), a następnie
górne pasy mocuj™ce (2). Krok 8 nale»y powtarza# a»
po¬o»enie baga»nika będzie ca¬kowicie stabilne.
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Kun olet asentanut polkupyörätelineen ensimmäisen
kerran niin jätä kulmat ja säädöt muuttumattomina, siten voit
nopeast asentaa sen uudelleen seuraamalla kohdat 2, 7 ja 8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Une fois votre porte-vélos préréglé à la première
utilisation, il retrouve automatiquement sa position sur le
véhicule. Lors du remontage, desserrez les deux leviers de
blocage (cf. point 2), positionnez le porte-vélos sur le
véhicule (cf. point 10), fixez d'abord les pieds (1er) du porte-
vélos sur le hayon puis les brides métalliques (2ème).
Répétez l'étape 8 jusqu'à ce que le porte-vélos soit
parfaitement fixé.
Special Recommendations
• Avoid any vehicle bodywork of insufficient strength, trim
and items such as aerofoils or spoilers.
• IMPORTANT! Carrier straps must always be re-tightened
after cycles have been mounted to the carrier. Straps should
be checked routinely for signs of wear and abrasion, and any
worn straps must be replaced immediately.
• After driving for a few miles STOP and check that the
carrier is secure and tight. If necessary, re-tighten the
carrier. This must be repeated at suitable intervals
depending on the nature of the road.
• Do not exceed 45kg maximum load (3 adult cycles) and
30kg max on saloon vehicles.
• To ensure full compliance with the road traffic regulations,
the use of lighting board/number plate is required if your
vehicle's existing lighting/number plates are obscured
by the use of the carrier.
• Drive with care, the handling characteristics of your
vehicle will be affected when carrying cycles, (e.g. cornering,
braking, side winds etc).
• Retain these instructions for future
reference, ensure that any other users of the cycle carrier
are familiar with their contents.
• The carrier may obstruct the rear window wiper of your
vehicle. DO NOT operate the wiper with the carrier fitted.
(HINT) Remove fuse for extra safety.
После первой установки велокрепления все
необходимые регулировки могут остаться в том же
положении для последующих установок. Затем закрепите
два ремня (как в шаге 2) повесьте веловрепление на
транспортное средство (как в шаге 10) нижней частью
велокрепления закрепите его к нижней части задней
двери и затем металлическими ремнями к верхней части
двери Повторяйте шаг 8 пока надежно не зафиксируете
велосипеды во всех направлениях.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• When positioning cycles on the carrier ensure that they do
not project beyond the profile of the vehicle and that no
part of any cycle can touch the paintwork.
• The use of rear mounted cycle carriers may be restricted
in certain countries. Always check with the relevant national
tourist authorities prior to commencing
your journey.
• Use cloth or foam padding to prevent abrasion damage
occurring between the frames of your cycles, or from contact
between the cycles and the cycle carrier. Halfords foam pad
cycle protectors are available.
• Care must be taken when positioning and loading the
cycle carrier to avoid placing cycle tyres near the exhaust,
and to ensure that a satisfactory ground clearance is
maintained between the cycles and the road. Extra care
should be taken when negotiating rough road surfaces,
humps and ferry ramps.
• All lengths are approximate.

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