For your safety
Never use the rifle scope to look towards the sun! This will cause
damage to your eyes! Please protect your rifle scope from un nec -
essary solar radiation.
Please note the eye relief distance specified for a mounted rifle
Repairs should only be carried out by authorized workshops
other wise there won't be any warranty on the scope after the repair.
General Information
Compact construction, use of high-quality sealing elements and
nitrogene filling makes KAHLES rifle scopes perfectly prepared for
all usual types of operations.
To ensure perfect alignment of the scope to the rifle, please
entrust mounting of the scope to a competent gunsmith. The rifle
scope shall be mounted centrical. The screws of mounts shall in
no case be tightened stronger than max. 240 N/cm. The reticle has
been factory-set to the mechanical middle position.
Prior to mounting you can check the correct position of the reticle.
To do this, unscrew the screw-on caps(3) of the elevation adjustment
turret and windage adjustment turret. Now turn the elevation
adjust ment turret(4) and windage adjustment turret(5) in direction
of the arrow until it reaches the stop. Then turn the elevation
adjustment turret(4) and the windage adjustment turret(5) back
again opposite direction of the arrow until it reaches the stop and
count the clicks at the same time. Halve the number of clicks and
you will have the exact middle position. Repeat this procedure for
the second turret.
Thanks to the use of high-quality sealing elements and controlled
fabrication processes, our rifle scopes are watertight and gas-tight
to a pressure of 0.4 bar or a depth in water of 4.4 yds/4 m. Seal
integrity is guaranteed even when the screw-on cap(3) has been
removed. Nevertheless, careful handling is advised, especially
around the turrets. Please protect your rifle scope against strokes
and adverse exzternal influences.