Location and Function of Parts
4 STATUS connector (D-sub 9-pin, male, RS-
232C standard)
Connect to the RS-232C connector of the computer
which is used to run the diagnostics program.
5 REF (reference) VIDEO IN connectors (BNC
type) and 75-ohm termination switch
Input a composite video signal or black burst signal
used as a reference sync signal to one of these
connectors. The two connectors are in a loop-through
arrangement. When using a reference video signal
loop-through connection, turn OFF the 75-ohm
termination switch, and turn ON when not.
6 MPEG-2 STREAM IN 1 connector (D-sub 25-
pin, male, RS-422A standard)
Used to input the bitstream output from a VST-1000/
1000P MPEG-2 Encoding Unit. Connect to the
MPEG-2 STREAM OUT connector of the VST-1000/
1000P using the MPEG-2 bitstream signal cable
supplied with the VST-1000/1000P.
7 GPI 1 and 2 connectors (D-sub 37-pin, female)
Used as I/O interface for commands and status signals
between the unit and an external control device.
2 Bitstream I/O connectors (provided by an
optional BKSR-103 Clip Exchange Board)
1 MPEG-2 STREAM IN 2 and 3 connectors (D-
sub 25-pin, male, RS-422A standard)
When forming a clip exchange loop with a number of
VSR-1000 Media Control Units, use these two MPEG-
2 bitstream input connectors as follows:
• Connect the MPEG-2 STREAM IN 2 connector to
the MPEG-2 STREAM OUT connector of the VST-
1000/1000P MPEG-2 Encoding Unit.
• Connect the MPEG-2 STREAM IN 3 connector to
the MPEG-2 STREAM OUT connector of another
VSR-1000 Unit.
2 MPEG-2 STREAM OUT connector (D-sub 25-
pin, female, RS-422A standard)
When forming a clip exchange loop with a number of
VSR-1000 Media Control Units, this can be used as an
MPEG-2 bitstream output connector for clip exchange.
With this setup, connect to the MPEG-2 STREAM IN
3 connector of another VSR-1000 unit.
3 STREAMER connector (miniature D-sub 50-
pin, SCSI-2 standard)
Can be used for loading/unloading of MPEG-2 data in
clip units when connected to a SDX-VS300 data