Shimano STEPS E-bike System
Addi onal informa on regarding opera
found at:
h p://
To download the E-tubes Project so
System visit:
h p://
Pivot Shuttle
For FAQs and addi onal technical documents regarding the maintenance of the Pivot Shu le can be found
h p:// le/
Bicycle Safety
This bike is not designed or equipped for use on public roads. Before it can be used on public roads
it must be
ed with the legally prescribed equipment. It is designed to be used
ons. The manufacturer and dealer accept no liability for damage resul
this de ni on and/or failure to comply with the safety informa
applies par cularly to, but not limited to, the use of this bike in compe
to properly rec y faults. Intended use also includes conformance with the spec ed opera ng, service,
and repair condi ons in the user guide. Fluctua ons in the consump
reduc on of capacity with increasing age are common and technically unavoidable, and as such, do not
cons tute material defects.
Battery Safety
Ba eries are subject to the dangerous goods regula ons. Private users are permi ed to transport them
on the road without further condi
logis cs companies, or postal service) special condi ons apply to packing and labeling. For ques ons
about transpor ng ba
Damaged ba eries must not be charged, used, or transported. They can explode and cause serious burns
or res. Gases can be released and irritate the airways. Ensure there is a supply of fresh air and consult
a doctor in the event of discomfort. Liquid can escape and cause skin irrita on. Avoid contact with this
liquid, but in case of accidental contact, wash o with water. If the liquid gets into the eyes, ush out with
water and seek medical a en on.
Ba eries must not be submerged in water. There is a risk of explosion. Do not a empt to ex nguish a
burning ba ery with water, only the surrounding burning material. For burning ba eries, use a Class D
Fire Ex nguisher. If it is possible to take the ba ery safely outside, smother the re with sand. You do not
need to worry that you are in danger when riding in the rain; the ba
condensa on.
n and func onality of the Shimano STEPS E-bike System can be
are to fully u lize the connec vity of the Shimano STEPS E-bike
s. If transported by commercial third par es (e.g. by air freight,
ries, please contact your local Pivot dealer.
g from any use beyond
n and instruc
s in this user guide. This
s, overloading, and the failure
n and power of the ba ery and a
ry is protected from moisture and
+49 711 4905 9800
-road, but not for