Ironing press basin movement is completely
automatic: at the start of ironing, when the
button 4 is pressed, both the roller and the
feeding unit start to turn and, at the same
time, the ironing plate is pressurised towards
the ironing roller.
At the end of the ironing operation, when
the button 4 is pressed, the press returns to
idle position.
The press also returns to idle position every
time a safety device trips to prevent ironing.
Similarly, the press automatically returns to
idle position in the event of a power break,
thus permitting the removal of any linen
that has still to be ironed.
The pedal provided with the machine allows
to slow down the roller and feeding unit
temporarily, in order for the linen to be fed
to the ironer more easily.
When the pedal is pressed, the entire feeding
system stops moving, so allowing the items
to be extended on the feeding unit, while the
press stays pressurised on the roller. If the
pressure on the pedal is released, the machine
starts moving again and the extended linen
is fed towards the press.
If movement start is particularly difficult or
does not occur when the pedal is released,
apply antistatic wax to the press as indicated
at paragraph 7.18.
Running speed can be set between 1,8 and
4,4 metres/min, with 7-step adjustment.
Change in running speed ensures greater
machine versatility after the different types
of fabric to be ironed.
The speed can be adjusted along with the
regulation of the ironing plate's pressure on
the roller, the set temperature and extraction.
The correct setting of these parameters
results in higher productivity and better-
quality ironing.
To configure the speed, select the roller
speed icon (cfr. description of icons on par.
7.2) by means of the navigator buttons
and , and subsequently, after
selecting change mode by the ENTER key,
adjust the speed as required with the two
The value changes by one step every time a
key is pressed, so that the required speed can
be quickly reached.
7 different speeds can be selected, all
expressed in m/min of roller tip speed. such
speeds are as follows:
Ironing pressure must be kept as low as the
best ironing quality allows. Remember that,
although a high ironing pressure improves
the quality and output of the machine, at the
same time it also reduces the life-span of the
roller covering.
This is why high pressure should only be
used for items that are very hard to iron.
Always remember that the best ironing
quality can be obtained by correctly setting
all the ironing parameters: steam extraction,
set temperature and speed.
The illustration below schematically shows
the best machine operating field, according
to changes in the set machine pressure and/
or temperature.
Effect of pressure and ironing quality
Zone A: Insufficient action: poor ironing
Zone B: Correct action: good ironing quality;
good duration of roller cover.
Zone C: High action: excellent ironing
quality; high wear of roller cover.
To adjust the pressure applied by the ironing
plate on the roller, select the icon relating to
the pressure applied by the press on the
roller (cfr. description of items on paragraph
7.2) by means of the navigator buttons, and
then, after setting change mode by means of
the ENTER key, adjust the pressure and set
the required value using the two arrows
7 settings are available for the pressure
applied by the press on the roller: the bar
graph shows the applied pressure as in the
following example which shows three
gradually increasing pressure configurations
Low pressure is used for delicate items,
while pressure is used for difficult items or
special needs.
Always remember that high pressure causes
fast roller covering wear.
4,4 m/
If, with a high pressure value, the machine
moves with difficulty, the press will have to
be waxed as indicated at paragraph 7.18.
(machine with standard extraction)
Machine extraction is a fundamental
parameter for obtaining the best results
from the ironing machine.
Correct extraction of the steam generated by
ironing in fact permits achieving complete
drying of the treated items: if extraction is
not enough, the treated fabrics do not get
fully dried by the machine; on the other
hand if there is too much extraction, the
roller is over-cooled by the flow of air.
To adjust extraction of the steam produced
by ironing, proceed as follows:
interrupt power to the ironing machine by
means of the master switch on the wall and
the disconnection switch on board the
machine, open the side door on the right
side and find the extraction fan; the
extraction flange features a clamp for closing
the slot in the extraction flange.
To regulate extraction by loosening the
retention screw and turning the clamp,
proceed as follows: close the slot to increase
extraction inside the roller; open the slot to
reduce extraction.
Adjust slot opening to the required value,
according to the average humidity of the
fabric and the characteristics of the
installation system, then tighten the closing
band by means of the screw. Fit back on the
side door and any parts that have been
removed. Switch the ironing machine back
If, after many hours of operation, the machine
no longer has enough extraction to
completely dry the linen, before adjusting
the extraction, make sure the ironing steam
exhaust pipes and the extraction unit itself
are clean. If there is any material even
partially blocking the flow of air, clean the
pipes and the extraction unit using a powerful
vacuum cleaner.
The illustration below shows how to proceed
with extraction adjustment on the machine
featuring manual adjustment.
Clockwise: Close slot - increase extraction
Counterclockwise: Open slot: decrease
extraction intensity
(only for models featuring this option)
In order to always obtain utmost ironing
quality, it is important for the extraction of
the steam generated by the fabrics to be
adequate for the complete extraction of such
steam. If extraction is not enough, the treated
fabrics are not fully dried by the machine,
while if there is too much extraction, the
roller is over-cooled by the flow of air.
Considering that the best ironing quality is