AVENTICS | GPC | R402003957–BDL–001–AB
Removal and replacement
Risk of heavy objects!
Some configurations of the GPC cylinder are very heavy. Removing them or lifting them
incorrectly may cause injury.
Before detaching the cylinder from its fixings, make sure that it cannot fall.
When lifting the cylinder, take steps to prevent damage or injury. Heavy cylinders must
be carried by two people or by one person with lifting aids.
Do not set the operating speed higher than necessary. The speed
must be adapted to the load of the cylinder in order to not exceed
the maximum permitted cushioning energy. Refer to the
calculation tool on the Internet, or to the tables in the main
Removal and replacement
The only time removal will be necessary is when moving, replacing
or scrapping the device.
1. Switch off all compressed air from the relevant part of the
2. Remove any devices that do not belong to the cylinder.
3. Remove all attachments and move the cylinder away from the
part of the system.
4. Pack the cylinder for transport or recycling.
5. Install the replacement unit as described in "Installation" on
page 43.
Waste disposal
Scrap the device in accordance with local regulations. Among
other things, the GPC cylinder contains lubricating grease that
may pollute the environment.