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1 Introduction
1.1 Description
The SF40A is an advanced dot matrix printer from OHAUS instruments.
The printer has Statistics and Totalization functions. The SF40A also meets
the requirements of modern quality assurance systems such as (GLP,
GMP, ISO9001 etc.).
1.2 Features
Supports all 13 languages present in Ohaus instruments.
Statistics and Totalization functions.
Zero / Tare function.
Real-time clock function.
The printout meets the requirements of modern quality assurance
systems (GLP, GMP, ISO9001, etc.)
Complies with the requirements of measurement traceability by
precisely documenting the origin of data, as well as calibration
Meets the requirement of archiving measurement results by providing
a thermally stable and light resistant printout.
Easy setup with the software provided with the printer.
1.3 Package Contents
Software CD
Power Adapter
Warranty Card
RS232 Cable
Note: * AM/US version : 1 cable, EU/UK version : 2 cables.
Instruction Manual
Paper Roll
Cable Adapter
Paper Rotary Axis
Power Cable*
SF40A Printer