Sonab System 9 Manual Del Propietário página 3

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eNgliSh / CONteNtS
1. gEnEral installation notEs
2. nEtWork ovErviEW
2. systEM 9 proDuct rangE
Note: Installations examples on last pages in manual
geNerAl iNStAllAtiONS NOteS
- always try to have the CtX transmitter placed in the "middle" of the installation and at the same
height as the Cls speakers are placed.
- if the source is placed far away from the CtX it is possible to use an active usB extender cable
(normally available up to 20m) to achieve best possible placement of the CtX.
- the CVm should ideally also be placed in the same height as the CtX and Cls. the CVX volume
control extender can be used to route the master volume control to a more convenient placement.
- the CGV, Cls and CsW in wired mode uses a balanced audio signal so a cable with 3 conductors
(+,g,-)are necessary to make the installation.
- Be aware that it is only possible to go from a wireless speaker and then continue with wired installa-
tion. it is not possible to go from wired speaker and then make it wireless to the next speaker in line.
- in a wireless installation always make sure that the same Channel and iD Code are being used (only
exception is if CEX is being used). otherwise there will not be any connection established between
the units.
- in wireless mode the CsW subwoofer can be put on a separate zone volume, making it is easy to
match the subwoofer volume to the rest of the system.
- When using the CEX wireless extender make sure that CEX unit 1 is receiving same Channel as the
CtX is transmitting. the CEX unit 2 must send out on a different channel than CEX unit 1 is receiving.
Example: CEX unit 1 is receiving Channel 1 from the CtX, the CEX unit 2 must send out on channel
2 or 3. the Cls and/or CsW that are receiving signal from CEX unit 2 must then also be set to
channel 2. the iD Code should still be the same for the complete installation.
Sonab_A5manual_WIRELESS.indd 4-5
3–4. WirElEss installation
6. WirElEss + WirED installation
7. trouBlEshooting
WireleSS NetWOrk OvervieW
channels 1-2-3
there are three different channels in the network. three CtX transmit-
- Full CD quality transmission
ters can send from three different sound sources at the same time in
- No time delay
same area.
- RF band 2.4 GHz
- sample rate 48 KHz
- Range 20–100 m
- Channel sniffi ng
- Frequency hopping
- 3 channels
- 6 volume zones
- 10 iD codes
For more technical specifi cations,
volume zones a–F
Each channel (1-2-3) can have up to 6
different volume zones (a-F). individuallly
set volume in each zone. master volume
controls all zones.
Channel 1,
zone a
Channel 1,
Channel 1,
zone B
zone C
Zone C
Zone a
Zone D
Zone B
Channel 2
Zone a
Zone C
Zone E
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
iD codes 0–9
Each channel can be set to 10 different iD codes.
this is a password solution so no audio signal will be
heard in other nearby systems using same channel.
This a an option to use when changing CHANNEL
(1-2-3) on nearby systems has been done fi rst.
Avoid using more than 2 ID Codes on nearby
systems using same channel.
Channel 1
iD code 1
Channel 2
Channel 2
iD code 1
iD code 3
Channel 1
Channel 3
soNaB WiRElEss
iD code 3
iD code 1
Channel 3
Channel 1
iD code 2
iD code 2
Channel 2
iD code 2
using same channel on nearby systems, with different iD
codes, will effect network performance.
12-10-09 15.47.54

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