Precision™ System Clinician Manual
The diagram below depicts this wiring.
Using test stimulation, enlist patient feedback
to verify lead placement and pain coverage.
The user may program with the Infinion™
16 lead using all the functions available in
Bionic Navigator for the Linear™ family of
leads (E-Troll, Navigator, etc.). For complete
instructions on programming, see the
Bionic Navigator Software Guide.
Clinician Manual
9055959-008 Rev A
36 of 327
IPG Explant or
1. Turn off the IPG.
2. Surgically open the IPG pocket and
withdraw the device. Do not use
monopolar electrocautery. Please try to
preserve the integrity of all components
so that complete device assessment can
be performed.
3. Loosen the connector setscrews
to release and remove the leads,
extensions, or splitters.
4. For replacement, connect the new IPG
following the instructions for "Connecting
to the IPG" on page 33. Or, to terminate
therapy, surgically remove the implanted
lead system.
5. Notify Boston Scientific to document
the reason for explant or replacement
and to arrange for return of IPG and