4.6 Clearing alarm indications
The alarm indications can be cleared in the standby or recording modes.
1. Press the "PRESS" button until the yellow alarm LED lights, then release. The yellow LED flashes
for 5 seconds.
2. Press the "PRESS" button again for 0.5 second to confirm the reset.
NOTE: This action does not erase the stored alarms, but only clears the alarm indicator.
The stored alarms are not erased until the memory is erased (see § 4.7).
4.7 Erasing the memory
The memory can be erased only in the "Standby" mode.
Two methods can be used to erase the memory.
Erasing the memory using the "PRESS" button:
1. Press the "PRESS" button until the red erase LED lights, then release.
2. The device is ready to erase the memory (except in recording mode). The red LED flashes rapidly for 5
3. Press the "PRESS" button again for 0.5 second to confirm the erasure.
NOTE: If the button is not pressed during the 5 seconds of rapid flashing, the erase procedure
is aborted (if the memory should not in fact be erased, you can simply wait until the red LED stops flashing).
Erasing the memory from the control panel of the Simple Logger
1. Connect the device to the computer and open the control panel of the Simple Logger
2. Select "Erase" in the "Memory" zone.
3. Another window opens to request confirmation of the erasure. Select "yes" to confirm the action or "no"
to cancel the action and exit from the erase process.
NOTE: Emptying the memory also erases the recorded alarms.
4.8 Nature of recorded data
The logger records the ancillary parameters of the measurements.
Input channel: Type of channel concerned by the measurements.
Measurements in the channel: measurement of the input quantity. For each of the inputs, this may
be either a simple, direct measurement or the result of a complex calculation based on a simple or
compound input.
Sampling rate: The rate at which the device makes the measurements on the inputs.
Recording rate: The rate at which the device makes the records.
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