REV 25010 Instrucciones De Uso página 2

1. Turn the programming wheel clockwise in the direc
tion of the arrow until the triangle marker corre-
sponds with the current time of day.
2. Programming: Move the slide switch at the side into
position I, press the toggles down for the desired switch
time; each toggle accounts for 30 minutes of switch
time. Move the slide switch at the side into position .
3. Slide switch: I = continuous operation = programming
During manufacturing this REV product is passed through
several quality testing station which are set up with newest
technology. Should nevertheless a defect arise, REV offers a
warranty to the following extent:
1. The duration of the warranty is 24 months after the date
of purchase.
2. The unit is either repaired or replaced by REV free of
charge or if it can be shown that it has become unusa
ble during the warranty period due to a manufacturing
or material defect.
3. The liability does not cover transport damages or dama
ged incurred through defective installation.
4. If REV repudiates the warranty claim and no objection is
made within 6 months, the right to repair becomes time-
5. In a warranty case the unit must be sent to the dealer
or REV together with the sales slip and a short descripti
on of the defect.
6. If there is no proof for a warranty liability being in
place, any repair carried out will be invoiced.
wEEE-reference of disposal
In accordance with European defaults used electrical and
electronics devices may no more be given to the unsorted
waste. The symbol of the waste bin on wheels refers to the
necessity of separate collection. Please help with environ-
mental protection and see to it that this device is given to
the for this purpose designated systems of waste sorting if
you do not use it any longer. GUIDELINE 2002/96/EG
January 27th 2003 about electrical and electronics old
Subject to technical modifications.
1. Ohjelmointikehää kierretään nuolen suuntaan
oikealle, kunnes kolmiomerkki täsmää ajankohtai-
sen kellonajan kanssa.
2. Ohjelmointi: Sivussa oleva liukukytkin viedään
I-asentoon ja keinuvipu painetaan halu tun kytken
täajan kohdalta alaasentoon. Kukin vipu merkitsee
30 minuutin kytkentäai kaa. Lopuksi sivussa oleva liuku
kytkin viedään -asentoon.
3. Liukukytkin: I = kestokäyttö = ohjelmointi aktivoitu.
no 1. Vri programmeringshjulet i pilens retning mot
høyre til markeringstrekan ten stemmer overens
med aktuell døgntid.
2. Programmering: Skyv bryteren på siden til stilling I, trykk
spakene ned for ønsket innkoplingsktid, 30 min. innkop
lingstid pr. spak. Skyv bryteren på siden til stilling .
3. Bryter: I = Kontinuerlig drift  = Programmering aktiv
1. Programlama tekerleğini işaret üçgeni güncel saat
ile uyumlu olana kadar saat ibresi yönünde sağa
doğru döndürün
2. Programlama: Yan sürgü şalterini I konumuna alın, devir
meli kolu istenilen kumanda süresi için aşağıya devirin,
kol başına 30 dak. kumanda süresi. Yan sürgü şalterini 
konumuna alın
3. Sürgü şalteri: I = Sürekli işletim  = programlama etkin
1. Forgassa a programozó tárcsát nyílirányba job-
bra addig, amíg a jelölő háromszög az aktuális
időpontra nem mutat.
2. Programozás: Az oldalt lévő tolókapcsolót vigye
I-állásba, majd billentse lefelé a kívánt kapcsolási
időhöz tartozó pecket. 30 perces kapcsolási időhöz
egy pecek tartozik. A tolókapcsolót vigye  állásba.
3. Tolókapcsoló: I = tartós üzem  = programozás aktív

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