Z hornej časti dverí vyberte kryciu lištu, vytiahnite káblik a preložte ho na druhú stranu.
5.Detach cover in top of upper door and move harness from right side to left side, then replace the cover.
5.Detach cover in top of upper door and move harness from right side to left side, then replace the cover.
5.Detach cover in top of upper door and move harness from right side to left side, then replace the cover.
6.Move top left cover to right side
6.Move top left cover to right side
Pomocou skrutkovača odmontujte kryt z druhej strany chladničky (na hornej časti).
6.Move top left cover to right side
7. Take off the upper door, take out the screw from the middle hinge by cross screwdriver,
7. Take off the upper door, take out the screw from the middle hinge by cross screwdriver,
7. Take off the upper door, take out the screw from the middle hinge by cross screwdriver,
Odstráňte skrutky zo stredového závesu medzi dverami a spodné dvere nadvihnite a zložte.
then take off the lower door.
then take off the lower door.
then take off the lower door.
Na rozdeľujúce priečke (chladnička / mraznička) preložte kryty ktoré kryjú otvory pre stredné záves
9. Unscrew bottom hinge. Then remove the adjustable feet from both side.